You have probably labeled your boxes, made a checklist, and packed an overnight bag, but…
If you’re moving to a new apartment, you are likely moving out of another one. During a move, every penny counts in getting your new space up to your comfort level so it’s important that you get as much (or all) of your deposit back. That being said, it’s not as easy as just vacuuming the floors and wiping down countertops, it does take a calculated effort on your part.

How to Get Your Security Deposit Back
7 Tips For Getting Your Security Deposit Back
With the following suggestions, you’ll be taking the right steps to get back your deposit.
1. Read and Understand Your Lease
It’s probably been at least a year since you’ve taken a look at this document. Moving out is a good time to peruse it once more. Take a look to see whether things like carpet cleaning or painting are your responsibility and then plan accordingly.
2. Clean All the Kitchen Appliances
In general, cleaning the apartment is obvious but getting into the nooks and crannies isn’t always as blatant. In the kitchen, food can fall down the sides of the stove into that dreaded crevice between the stove and the refrigerator. This is one spot that, frustratingly, needs to be cleaned. If you can, pull out your refrigerator and sweep up as much as you can from this spot. Then go over the area with a mop to take out that old grime.
The oven is also a really important appliance to clean as it often gets overlooked. You can buy oven cleaner from most big-box retailers but the chemicals are considered to be very dangerous. If you choose this method, read the directions carefully.
Clean out your refrigerator and all the sticky stuff with an all-purpose cleaner and don’t forget to wipe down your cabinets! The far corners are often built up with grime so get out your step stool and while you’re up there, wipe off the top of the refrigerator too.
3. Don’t Forget About the Tub
Or the toilet for that matter! The best method for the shower, bathtub, and toilet is to spray and stand. Spray the areas with a generous layer of all-purpose cleaner and allow that product to stand while you clean elsewhere for awhile. Letting it stand on the surface helps the cleaner to dissolve oils and soap scum, in turn making it easier for you to clean.
4. Dust and Clean Hard to Reach Spaces
Take a closer look at closet shelves and various cabinets. They often attract dust and spider webs throughout the course of you living there. Simply dust them out and use a bit of cleaner to get it looking new again.
5. Wipe Down Walls
This step often gets overlooked, but many leases call for it. You can easily wipe down walls with a sponge or washcloth dipped into a bit of water and all-purpose cleaner. You could also use a Swiffer to get to the higher parts of the walls and the corners. Open the windows if you can during this process to help them dry faster.
6. Fill in Holes
Usually, when we hang a picture on the wall, we leave a little hole that can still be seen after it’s been taken down. A good trick to fill these in is to take a plain white bar of soap (no dyes or perfumes) and gently rub over the area. It almost makes the hole disappear! For bigger holes, you may need to use a proper caulk, and sand and re-touch the paint job afterward.
7. Vacuum or Shampoo
Some leases require you to shampoo the carpet, others do not. If you are unsure, call your landlord to find out. If you have left large stains, it might be a good idea to shampoo it so that you can get your deposit back. If there aren’t any obvious stains, using a carpet cleaning powder and then vacuuming it up can leave the space looking and smelling great.
Of course, there may be specific things in your lease that require you to do more or less than we share here, so please adhere to what it says. After you’ve gotten your deposit back, it’s time to use that extra money on making your new house a home!
Need Moving Services?
If you are needing help moving out of your rental, On the Go Moving and Storage is here to help you along the way. Our greater Seattle moving company can help you with packing, moving, and storing your items. Contact us over the phone or by using our online contact form today.